Why Logo Font Selection Is So Important
Logo font choosing and selecting is so important. Many designers don’t understand just how important or they don’t properly know how to do it.
Why did Nike choose this as their logo font? And what does the Aston Martin Logotype say about its brands? How do these font choices communicate and possibly trick consumers? Let’s find out in today’s post.
What is the logo font name used on the Nike logo? Three points to you if you know the exact font choice for this logo design. So the design uses “Futura” and to be more specific “Futura Condensed Extra Black”. If you want to truly level up in logo design or just as a graphic designer in general. You need to start understanding why certain fonts are used and then translate that knowledge into your workflow.
But going back to that question, why have Nike chosen “Futura Condensed” as their brand asset. Well, let’s ask this question what does Nike want to communicate as a brand to the audience? It’s a sports brand so sending out a message of Strength, Stability, Power a kind of Modern Cutting-Edge Vibe and maybe a Sense of Motion would be a great start.
The logo symbol itself, the swoosh does half of the work in communicating the message to the audience. The style of the typeface does the other half.
Futura Condensed Extra Black is very Bold and Very Hard-Hitting. It looks Robust, it looks Strong and it looks somewhat Modern even to this day. The modern look is in part due to it being a sans-serif font. When it’s used in italics, we get that kind of sense of forwarding motion that works really well for sports-type brands.
This font wasn’t drawn out of a hat or chosen because the designer simply liked it. It was a well-thought-out decision that works even to this day.
Next logo font Aston Martin
First, we should consider what this brand sells. Which of course are fairly expensive cars. Who do they sell these fairly expensive cars to? Professionals, Business Owners, Millionaires, and so on. With all of that in mind, what does Aston Martin want to convey to their target audience? They probably want to show they are superior have a sophisticated sense of class and are somewhat serious in nature.
If we look deeper into Aston Martin’s brand message from their own website. They suggest that the winged logo is meant to represent Elegance, Freedom, Refinement, and Elite Performance. So with that in mind would a lowercase sans-serif font choice such as Avid Guard Gothic work for this logo. Probably not, because it’s too bold it’s too personal and it’s too informal. Instead, they utilize Optima Roman. This choice of typeface works really well because it looks professional and formal. However, it also looks elegant and light. Because it’s not so bold and it’s not so loud in nature it’s really quite refined.
Next logo font Armani
Let’s take a look at a third example. Let’s run, the sequence through once more think to yourself. What is this brand selling? Who are they selling it to? And what sort of emotions or feelings do they want to communicate to their target audience?
If you continually think like this. You will go a lot further in your design career than most other people out there. So Armani is situated in the middle of a very prestigious and very stylish niche sector, that being the world of fashion. It’s positioned at the somewhat high end of the spectrum relatively speaking. So you can probably come up with words such as Luxury, Elegance, Style, and Prestige.
Taking a look at the psychology of typefaces. Serif fonts tend to fall right in line with this kind of word. So you can see how it’s simply just a case of knowing exactly what you want to say to an audience. Of course, finding out who the audience is and then tailoring the style of the typeface to the audience.
It’s such a simple concept and yet it is so easy to mess up without the right knowledge and execution.